112. Charfeddine, M.A., Mangin, P., Bloch, J.-F., Ridgway, C., Gane, P.A.C., Roussiere, F.
3D structure analysis of z-structured paper bt the layered addition of micro-nano Fibrillated cellulose (MNFC).
Intern. Paper Physics Conf. Tokyo, Japon, 29 oct. – 1 nov. 2015
111. Engin, M., Bloch, J.-F., Sampson, W.W.
Tomographic investigation of structural characteristics of low grammage papers.
Intern. Paper Physics Conf. Tokyo, Japon, 29 oct. – 1 nov. 2015
110. Bloch, J.-F., Fulleringer, N.
Are standards pertinent to measure paper friction?.
Intern. Paper Physics Conf. Tokyo, Japon, 29 oct. – 1 nov. 2015
109. Bloch, J.-F., Fulleringer, N.
Measurement of Paper friction.
XIII International Scientific and Technical Conference, INPAP 2015, Gniew, Pologne 23-25 sept. 2015
108. Rolland du Roscoat, S., Dumont, P.J.J., Carion, P., Orgeas, L., Bloch, J.-F., Geindreau, C., Terrien, P., Liotier, P.J., Drapier, S., Pucci, M.
3D in situ characterisation of the impregnation of model fibre networks using real-time synchroton X-ray microtomography.
Second International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures, ICTMS 2015, Québec, Canada, June 29th – July 3rd 2015
107. Keller, S., Feng, C., Huang, Y., Bloch, J.-F., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Analysis of the Engineered Structure of Tissue and Towel Papers using 2D and 3D Radiographic Imaging.
TAPPI PaperCon 2015 Tissue 360, USA, 2015.
105. Roux, J.-C., Bloch, J.-F.
Lubrication theory explains the modification of fiber properties in the refining process.
Symposium on Dispersed Two-Phase Flows, Rhodes (G), 21-27 sep. 2013.
104. Curto, J.M.R., Conceicao, E.L.T., Bloch, J.-F., Portugal, A.T.G. Simoes, R.M.S.
Characterization and optimization of paper using 3D computational simulation and synchrotron X-Ray microtomography.
XXII TECNICELPA - International Forest, Pulp and Paper Conference, Tomar (P), 2-4 oct. 2013.
103. Bloch, J.-F., Ali, I., Passas, R., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Papers as functional green materials.
4th Conf. on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures, Bangkok (Th), 14-17 jul. 2013.
102. Viguie, J., Orgeas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Latil, P., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bloch, J.-F.
A Method to Identify Fibres with Complex Cross Sections within 3D Images of Disordered Fibrous Media.
Application to Fibre Bundle Reinforced Polymer Composites, International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures, Ghent (B), 1-5 jul. 2013.
101. Bloch, J.-F.
Papers as Multiscale Biobased Materials: From microstructure design to architectured materials.
INPAP 2013, Kudowa Zdroj (PL), 19-21 jui 2013.
100. Bloch, J.-F., Roux, J.-C.
Adaptation of pressing concepts to refining.
in FRS, C.F. Baker, Editor. 2013, The Pulp and Paper Fundamental Research Society: Lancashire, 15th Fundamental Research Symposium, Cambridge, 8-14 sep. 2013, p.359-367
99. Rueff, M., Mauret, E., Vassas, J.B., Roux, J.C., Bloch, J.-F.
Determination of the filtration resistance of pulp suspensions from the analysis of flow in freeness testers.
11th World Filtration Congress, Fundamentals 3: Solid liquid separation, Graz (Autriche), avril 2012.
98. Viguie, J., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat S., Vroman, P., Vermeulen, B ., Orgéas, L., Bloch, J.-F.
X-Ray microtomography and DIC technique to analyse the hygroexpansion of plant-based fibrous mats for composite materials.
European Conf. Composite Materials, ECCM 15, Venise, Italy, 15-24 Jun. 2012.
97. Dumont, P.J.J., Orgéas, L., Huvert, M., Vermeulen, B ., Vroman, P., Rolland du Roscoat S., Bloch, J.-F.
Investigation of compression molding of flax fibre biocomposites.
12th Conf. BioComposites, Niagara, Canada, 6-8 May 2012.
96. Bloch, J.-F., Nortier, P., Roux, J.-C.
Influence of the history of loading during beating on the evolution of the drainage resistance.
Paper Physics Conference 2012, Stockohlm, Sweden, 10-14 Jun. 2012.
95. Bloch, J.-F., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Dumont, P.
Analysis of the 3D structures of paper: possibilities and perspectives.
17th International Papermaking Conference PROGRESS’11, Lodz, Poland, 20 – 23 Sept. 2011.
94. Roux, J.C., Bloch, J.-F., Nortier, P.
Energetic optimization for assessing the shortening kinetics of fibres in pulp refining.
Progress in Paper Physics Seminar, Graz, Autriche, 5-8 sept. 2011, p 19-20 (2 p.)
93. Roux, J.C., Bloch, J.-F., Nortier P.
Optimisation of the energy consumption in the pulp refining operation.
14th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Florence (Italie), 8-11 mai 2011, (6 p.)
92. Bloch, J.-F., Lherminer, S.
Influence of Humidity on Friction.
3rd International Conference Manufacturing 2010, Contempory problems of manufacturing and production management, Poznan, 24-26 nov. 2010, p 25.
91. Peralba, M., Charvet, A., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Dumont, P., Bloch, J.-F., Mangin, P.
Determination of collected particle repartition in filter using synchrotron X-ray microtomography coupled with a multiresolution method.
European Conference on Fluide-Particle Separation FPS 2010, Lyon, France, 5-7 oct. 2010.
90. Charvet, A., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Peralba, M., Bloch, J.-F., Gonthier, Y.
Determination of the liquid aerosol distribution in a porous filter by synchrotron X-ray holotomography.
European Conference on Fluide-Particle Separation FPS 2010, Lyon, France, 5-7 oct. 2010.
89. Peralba, M., Charvet, A, Dumont, P, Rolland du Roscoat, M., Bloch, J.-F., Mangin, P.
Mutiresolution Synchrotron X-ray Microtomograhy applied to filtration studies.
Progress in Pap Physics Seminar, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 7-10, 2010.
88. Roux, J.-C., Bloch, J.-F., Bordin, R.
Benchmarking of refining intensity indicators: Assessment of °SR-kinetics.
Progress in Pap Physics Seminar, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 7-10, 2010.
87. Dumont, P., Orgéas, L., Hubert, M., Vermeulen, B., Vroman, P., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bloch, J.-F.
Compression moulding of flax fibre reinforced composite materials.
The 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM10),Monte Verità, Ascona, CH – July 11-15, 2010, conf. FPCM 2010.
86. Orgeas, L., Dumont, P., Hubert, M., Vermeulen, B., Vroman, P., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bloch, J.-F.
Processes of polymer composites: towards the use of natural fibres.
8th Pagora Days, Future of fibre based biomaterials for packaging, Grenoble, 2-3 july 2009.
85. Dumont, P., L. Orgéas L., Viguié J., Vermeulen B., Vroman P. Bloch J.-F., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Hygroexpansion of plant-based fibermats for green composites.
8th Pagora Days, Future of fibre based biomaterials for packaging, Grenoble, 2-3 July 2009.
84. Dubé, M., Drolet, F., Peralba, M., Bloch, J.-F., Daneault, C., Mangin, P.J.
Penetration of Microscopic Drops in Paper Structure.
Iarigai, 2009.
83. Dumont, P.J.J., Bloch, J.-F., Orgéas, L., Vermeulen, B., Vroman, P., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Hygroexpansion of plant-based fiber mats for green composites.
6th Int. Symp. Moisture and Creep Effects on Paper, Board, Containers, Madison, Wisconsin, July 14–16, 2009.
82. Viguie, J., Dumont, P., Desloges, I., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Vacher, P., Mauret, E., Bloch, J.-F.
Analysis of the hygroexpansion of paperboard and small flute corrugated borad by digital correlation of images by X-ray microtomography.
6th Int. Symp. Moisture and Creep Effects on Paper, Board, Containers, Madison, Wisconsin, July 14–16, 2009.
81. Viguie, J., Dumont, P., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Vacher, P., Desloges, I., Mauret, E., Bloch, J.-F.
Analysis of paperboard hygroexpansion by digital correlation of images obtained by X-ray microtomography.
Journées Nationales Composites, Toulouse, 10-12 juin 2009.
80. Vernhes, P., Bloch, J.-F.
Relationship between surface roughness and cellulosic fibers morphology : a multi-scale approach.
Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland, 08-10 July 2009.
79. Peralba, M., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Dubé, M., Bloch, J.-F., Mangin, P.
Influence of structure and wear of paper forming fabrics on their permeation properties.
Greenville (US), 6-7 apr. 2009.
78. Keller, D S., Feng, C., Bloch, J.-F., Roland du Roscoat, S., Fund
Local structural orientation of towel and tissue grades in two and three dimensions.
in The Sciences of Papermaking, C.F. Baker, Editor. 2013, The Pulp and Paper Fundamental Research Society: Lancashire, 15th Fundamental Research Symposium, Cambridge, 8-14 sep. 2009, p.3-39
77. Koivu, V., Mattila, K., Decain, M., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F., Kataja, M.
Transport properties of heterogeneous material combining computerized X-ray microtomography and direct numerical simulations.
in The Sciences of Papermaking, C.F. Baker, Editor. 2009, The Pulp and Paper Fundamental Research Society: Lancashire, 14th Fundamental Research Symposium, Oxford 13-18 sep. 2009, p.437-454
76. Roux, J.-C., Bloch, J.-F., Bordin, R., Nortier, P.
The net normal force per crossing point: A unified concept for the low consistency refining of pulp suspensions.
in The Sciences of Papermaking, C.F. Baker, Editor. 2009, The Pulp and Paper Fundamental Research Society: Lancashire, 14th Fundamental Research Symposium, Oxford, 13-18 sep. 2009, p.51-83
75. Loix, F., Badel, P., Orgeas, L., Geindreau, C., Boisse, P., Bloch, J.-F.
Simulation of the flow of non-newtonian fluids through sheared textile reinforcements.
Proc. Conf. on Flow Processes in Compos; Mater., Montreal, Canada, Jul. 2008, p. 1-5 (5 p.)
74. Loix, F., Badel, P., Orgeas, L., Geindreau, C., Boisse, P., Bloch, J.-F.
Modelling of the flow of generalised Newtonian fluids through deformed textile reinforcements.
Proc. 11th ESAFORM Conference, Lyon, Apr. 2008.
73. Marteau, M.-L., Dumont, P.J.J., Vermeulen, B., Vroman, P., Bloch, J.-F., Orgéas, L.
Stabilité dimensionnelle de mats de fibres végétales pour renforcement de matériaux composites.
Journée AMAC-MECAMAT, Amiens, France, 13 octobre 2008.
72. Dumont, P.J.J., Orgéas, L., Bouquet, N., Bloch, J.-F., Geindreau, C., Guélin, P.
Dimensional stability of a printing-paper under cyclic hygroscopic conditions.
PPS 2008, Progress in Progress in Paper Physics: A Seminar, June 2nd-5th 2008, Helsinki, Finland, 2008
71. Dubé, M., Drolet, F., Bloch, J.-F., Daneault, C., Mangin, P.J.
Hydrodynamics of Ink Transfer and Ink Tack on Porous Substrates.
PPS 2008, Progress in Progress in Paper Physics: A Seminar, June 2nd-5th 2008, Helsinki, Finland, 2008
70. Decain, M., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F.
Thermal conductivity of paper relationship with its microstructure.
PPS 2008, Progress in Progress in Paper Physics: A Seminar, June 2nd-5th 2008, Helsinki, Finland, 2008
69. Vernhes, P., Blayo, A., Pineaux, B., Bloch, J-F.
Digital paper and print surface topography.
34th Conf. IARIGAI, Grenoble, 9-12 sept. 2007, 34, 2007, 123-128 (6 p.)
68. Rolland du Roscoat, S., Decain, M., Geindreau, C., Thibault, X., Bloch, J.-F.
Simulation of physical properties based on synchrotron X-ray microtomography.
International Paper Physics Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 6-10 may 2007, p. 65-70 (6 p.)
67. Mercier, C., Dubé, M., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bloch, J.-F., Mangin, P.
Generalised 3-dimensional description of paper formation and structure.
International Paper Physics Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 6-10 may 2007, p. 81-86 (6 p.)
66. Mercier, C., Peralba, M., Dubé, M., Bloch, J-F, Mangin, P. J.
Effect of drops interactions in ink-jet print quality.
34th Intern. Ass. of Res. Instit. For the Graph. Arts and Industry (IARIGAI) Conf., Grenoble, sept. 2007, 34, 2007, 221-230
65. Loix, F., Badel, P., Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C. Boisse, P., Bloch, J.-F.
Flow of non-Newtonian fluids through textiles.
Proc. of 22nd BEM-FEM Conf, Saint Petersburg, Russia (09/2007).
64. Loix, F., Geindreau, C., Orgeas, L., Badel, P., Boisse, P. Bloch, J.-F.
Procédé RTM : Influence du cisaillement du renforcement fibreux et la nature non-newtonienne de la résine injectée.
JEMP 2007, 8° Journées d’Etude sur les Milieux Poreux, Lyon, sept. 2007
63. Idris, Z., Geindreau, C., Orgéas, L., Bloch, J.-F., Auriault, J.-L.
Modélisation de l’écoulement de fluides en loi puissance en milieux fibreux anisotropes.
18° Congrès français de Mécanique, Grenoble, août 2007.
62. Dubé, M., Drolet, F., Bloch, J-F., Daneault, C., Mangin, P.J.
Hydrodynamics of ink transfer and ink tack on porous substrates.
34th IARIGAI, Grenoble, 9-17 sept. 2007, XXXIV(34), 2007, 23-30 (8 p.)
61. Decain, M., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bernard, D., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F.
Détermination des propriétés microstructurales et physiques d’un matériau fibreux cellulosique à partir de microtomographies aux rayons X.
18° Congrès français de Mécanique, CFM2007, Grenoble, 27-31 août 2007.
60. Bordin R., Roux, J.-C., Bloch, J.-F.
No-load characterisation of a low-consistency disc refiner for an effective application of refining theories.
TAPPI Eng., Pulp and Environ. Conference, Jacksonville (US) 21-24 oct. 2007, Paper 49-2
59. Vernhes, P., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Blayo, A., Pineaux, B., Bloch, J.-F.
Dynamic interaction between toner and paper in the nip of an electrophotographic printer.
33rd International Research Conference 2006 of IARIGAI: Advances in Printing and media technology. 10-13 sep. 2006. Leipzig, Germany, XXXIII(33), 2007, p.169-184 (16 p.)
58. Rolland du Roscoat, S., Decain, M., Geindreau, C., Thibault, X., Bloch, J.-F.
Simulation of physical properties based on synchrotron X-ray microtomography.
International Paper Physics Conference, Gold Coast (Australie), 6-10 mai 2007, p. 65-70
57. Mercier, C., Dubé, M., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bloch, J.F., Mangin, P.
Generalised 3-dimensional description of paper formation and structure.
International Paper Physics Conference, Gold Coast (Australie), 6-10 mai 2007, p. 81-86
56. Bordin, R., Roux, J.C., Bloch, J.-F.
No-load characterization of a low-consistency disc refiner for an effective application of refining theories.
TAPPI Engineering, Pulping and Environmental Conference, Jacksonville (Etats-Unis), 21-24 octobre 2007, Session 49 (2), p. 2680-2712
55. Vernhes, P., Blayo, A., Pineaux, B., Bloch, J.-F.
Review on the Fusing Step in Electrophotographic Printing: Thermal Field and Its Effects on Print Quality, Influence of the thermal field on the fusing step in electrophotographic printing.
Proc. of the Technical Association of Graphics Arts, TAGA, Vancouver, March 2006, p. 465-485 (21 p.)
54. Silvy, J., Bloch, J.-F.
Contribution of theoretical modelling of multi-scattering of light for the calibration and the measure of diffuse and directional reflectance.
CIE Symposium on Visual Appearance, 19-20 oct. 2006, Paris, France, p. 28 (1 p.)
53. Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bloch, J.-F.
Characterisation of the 3D paper structure under compression and humidity controlled with X-Ray synchrotron radiation microtomography.
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, US, Progress in Paper Physics- A Seminar Proceedings, 2006, Editor D. Coffin p. 15 (1 p.)
52. Nortier, P., Bloch, J.-F., Roux, J.-C.
A Model for comminution in paper pulp beating.
17th International Congress of Chem. and Process Eng., CHISA 2006, Prague, Czech, 27-31 août 2006
51. Decain, M., Roux, J.-C., Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F.
Simulation of sheared fibrous suspension : application to sheet formation in paper making.
2nd European Conf. on Filtration and Separation (ECFS2006), Session 4, 12-13 octobre 2006, Compiègne, France, p.121-128 (8 p.)
50. Bloch, J.-F., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Mercier, C., Verhnes, P., Pineaux, B., Blayo, A., Mangin, P.
Influence of paper structure on printability: Characterisation of paper using X-Ray Synchrotron Microtomography.
Int. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies, NIP 2006, Denver (Etats-Unis), 18-22 sep. 2006, p. 449-453 (5 p.)
49. Tizon, B., Boivin, P., Pradelle, H., Bayle, S., Bloch, J.-F.
Ultra-filtration Treatment of coating effluents from paper machine.
PAPTAC 91st Annual Meeting, Session Nouvelles technologies, A117-121, Montreal, Canada, 8-10 fév. 2005. p. 117-121 (5 p.)
48. Roux, J.-C., Bloch, J.-F.
Analysis of the fibrous pads kinetics on the wet part of Paper Machines.
Fibrous Materials XXI C., St Petersburg, 23-28 may 2005
47. Mercier, C., Bloch, J.-F.
Are 3D surface standard parameters discriminant for papers?.
10th Conf. Metrology and Prop. of Eng. Surf., Saint-Etienne, France, 4-7 july 2005, p.165-170
46. Mercier, C., Rousset, E., Kuczynski, J., Bloch, J.-F.
Relationships between blanket surface, ink transfer and print quality.
IARIGAI Res. Symp. Digitalisation and print media, 32rd Int. Iarigai Res. Conf., Porvoo, Finland, 4-7 sep. 2005. Vol. 32, 2005, p.35-42
45. Idris, Z., Andre, C., Geindreau, C., Orgeas, L., Bloch, J.-F., Debove, L.
Flow of Non Newtonian Viscous Fluids Through Fibrous Media: Experimental and Numerical Study.
8th ESAFORM 2005 Conf., Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 27-29 avril, Ed. Balkema, vol.2, p.867
44. Idris, Z., Orgeas, L., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F., Auriault, J.-L.
A methodology to derive the seepage law of power-law fluids thourgh fibrous media.
Poromechanics III, 3rd Biot Conf. on poromechanics, Oklahoma City, 24-27 may 2005. Ed. Balkema, p31-37
43. Decain, M., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F., Bernard, D.
Influence de la porosité ouverte et fermée sur la conductivité thermique équivalente de matériaux fibreux : application au papier.
Rec. 7° journées JEMP, Org. Laboratoire TREFLE, Bordeaux, oct. 2005, p.1-2
42. Idris, Z., Geindreau, C., Orgeas, L., Bloch, J.-F., Debove, L., Auriault, J.-L.
Effet de la microstructure sur les lois d’écoulement de fluides visqueux non-newtoniens en milieux poreux..
p.163-168, Microstructure et propriétés des matériaux, Orga. ENPC, Paris, 17-18 mars 2005
41. Bloch, J.-F., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Thibault, X., Roux, J.C.
3D analysis of fibrous materials at microscale using X-Ray microtomography: Application to paper structures.
Fibrous Materials XXI C., St Petersburg, 23-28 may 2005.
40. Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bloch, J.-F., Thibault, X.
Characterisation of the 3D paper structure with X-Ray Synchrotron radiation microtomography.
in FRS The Sciences of Papermaking, C.F. Baker, Editor. 2005, The Pulp and Paper Fundamental Research Society: Lancashire, 13th Fundamental Research Symposium, Cambridge, September 2005, tome 2 pp 901-920
39. Thibault, X., Cloetens, P., Bloch, J.-F., Peyrin, F.
Non woven characterisation using X-Ray synchrotron radiation microtomography.
WFC 9, New Orleans, US, 18-24 Apr. 2004, Sess. 133, p.251-260
38. Rolland du Roscoat, S., Thibault, X., Bloch, J.-F.
X-Ray microtomography applied to paper investigation.
Xtop2004, Prague, Rep. Tch., sept. 2004
37. Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bloch, J.-F.
Image analysis of 3D structure: application of X-Ray Microtomography.
Paper Phys. Sem., Trondheim, June 2004
36. Mercier, C., Bloch, J.-F.
Surface fibre orientation.
Pap. Phys. Sem., Trondheim, Norv., 21-25 juin 2004, p.223
35. Idris, Z., Geindreau, C., Orgeas, L., Bloch, J.-F., Auriault, J.-L.
Ecoulement de fluides visqueux en loi puissance en milieux fibreux.
JMP, Toulouse, 12-13 nov. 2004
34. Gaiolas, C., Costa, A.P., Santos Silva, M., Bloch, J.-F., Belgacem, N.
Estudo da influencia da adicao de amido na formacao de papel para escritorio.
IberoAmerican Congress on Pulp and Paper Research 2004, Cordoba, Espagne, nov. 2004
33. Gaiolas, C., Costa, A.P., Santos Silva, M., Bloch, J.-F., Belgacem, N.
Cationic Polyacrylamide as a retention aid and its influence on the formation of printing paper.
IberoAmerican Congress on Pulp and Paper Research 2004, Cordoba, Espagne, nov. 2004.
32. Bloch, J.-F., Rueff, M.
Characterisation of paper structure using X-Ray microtomography.
EFPG Days, Grenoble, avril 2004
31. Bloch, J.-F.
Non destructive structure analyse of paper: X-Ray microtomography.
Riga, Let., 1-21 mai 2004, p.38-39
30. Bloch, J.-F.
Paper structure characterisation using X-Ray Microtomography.
WFC 9, New Orleans, US, 18-24 Apr. 2004, Sess. 133, p.261-266
29. Bloch, J.-F.
Phase Change in Porous Media: Homogenisation Technique.
Stuttgart, Allemagne, MACSInet WG14, Filtration in Porous Media and Paper Manufacturing, 21-22 nov. 2004.
27. Mercier, C., Bloch, J.-F., Baudin, G.
Different Techniques to analyze surface topography.
11th Int. Printing and Graphic Art Conf. Bordeaux, France, 1-3 octobre 2002, Vol 2, Session 9 (10 p.)
26. Mercier, C., Bloch, J.-F., Baudin, G.
Structure Analysis of Paper Surface: Wavelet Technique.
Intern. Paper Physics Seminar, Syracuse, NY, 8-13 sept. 2002, p.158
25. Bloch, J.-F., Reverdy-Bruas, N., Thibault, X.
Structures Analysis of Papers Using X-Ray Microtomography.
Intern. Paper Physics Seminar, Syracuse, NY, 8-13 sept. 2002, p.32-33
24. Bloch, J.-F., Royer P., Auriault, J.-L.
Mathematical modelling of Phase Change in Porous Media in presence of Advection: Upscaling technique.
Biot II Conference, Grenoble, 2002, p. 345-352
23. Bloch. J-F.
Techniques récentes de caractérisation des papiers.
IP 2001, Oct. 2001, Colloque technique : technologies numériques et environnement : les défis de l'imprimeur de demain (8 p.)
22. Bloch, J.-F.
Le papier.
Journées d'automne 29-31 Oct. 2001, Revue de métallurgie, numéro hors série, p.87
21. Bloch, J.-F., Thibault, X.
Measurement of felt permeability: influence of deformation.
TNO, Lanaken Belgium, Maastricht The Nedelerlands, 7-8 Feb. 2001, Vol. 1, (10 p.)
20. Thibault, X., Chave, Y., Serra-Tosio, J.-M., Bloch, J.-F.
Permeability measurement of press felts, FRS.
in the Sciences of Papermaking, C.F. Baker, Editor, 2001, The Pulp and Paper Fundamental Research Society: Lancaster, UK, tome 3, p.1595-1598
19. Thibault, X., Chave, Y., Serra-Tosio, J.-M., Bloch, J.-F.
Permeability measurement of press felts, FRS.
in the Sciences of Papermaking, C.F. Baker, Editor, 2001, The Pulp and Paper Fundamental Research Society : Lancaster, UK, tome 2, p.947-974
18. Thibault, X., Bloch, J.-F., Serra-tosio, J.-M., Chave, Y.
Permeability measurement of strained felt.
12th Intern. Drying Symposium, IDS 2000 (Session: Advances in Paper Dewatering, AIPD 2000), Noorwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 28-31 Aug. 2000, paper 302
17. Reverdy, N., Serra-tosio, J.-M, Bloch, J.-F., Chave, Y.
A new compressibility-permeability device for saturated paper webs.
8Th World filtration Congress (WFC 8), Brighton UK, 3-7 April 2000, Vol. 2, p.1019-1022
16. Reverdy, N., Serra-tosio, J.-M, Bloch, J.-F. Chave, Y.
Compressibility-permeability device for paper webs.
12th Intern. Drying Symposium IDS 2000 (Session: Advances in Paper Dewatering, AIPD 2000), Noorwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 28-31 Aug. 2000, paper 315
15. Auriault, J.-L., Bloch, J.-F.
Theoretical aspects of filtration: homogenisation technique.
International Paper Physics , Progress in Paper Physics: a seminar, Grenoble, France, 11-15 Sept. 2000, Vol. 1, p. 107-108
14. Bloch, J.-F., Butel, M.
Modelling of surface roughness: application to physical properties of paper.
SPIE, International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, 31 Jul.-4 Aug. 2000, San Diego, California, US (Session Scattering and surface roughness) Vol. 4100, p.96-102
13. Reverdy, N., Bloch, J.-F., Serra-tosio, J.-M, Chave, Y.
Transverse permeability of fibrous wet webs: a new experimental device.
International Paper Physics , Progress in Paper Physics: a seminar, Grenoble, France, 11-15 Sept. 2000, Vol. 1, p. 124
12. Thibault, X., Bloch, J.-F., Serra-tosio, J.-M, Chave, Y.
Permeability measurement of strained felt: application to papermaking process.
8Th World filtration Congress (WFC 8), Brighton UK, 3-7 April 2000, Vol. 2, p.1011-1014
11. Moineau, D., Bloch, J.-F., Eymin, G.
A new tool to evaluate the quality of paper formation: 2D Formation Sensor.
International Paper Physics, Progress in Paper Physics: a seminar, Grenoble, France, 11-15 Sept. 2000, Vol. 1, p. 49-50
10. Bloch, J.-F, Falgueras D.B.
Industrial application of digital image processing: a tool for the quality evaluation of cigarette paper marking.
SPIE, International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, 31 Jul.-4 Aug. 2000, San Diego, California, US (Session Applications of digital image processing: Implementation issues), Vol. 4115-28, p.237-245
9. Bloch, J.-F., Champon, G.
Anisotropy of paper: comparison of different laser tools.
SPIE, International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, 31 Jul.-4 Aug. 2000, San Diego, California, US (Session Optical diagnostic methods for inorganic materials, Methods for reflectance and transmittance of scattering materials), Vol. 4103 p.106-115