Quelques publications - BAROTH Julien - http://www.3sr-grenoble.fr/spip.php?article101

[AI21] M. Ghannoum, J. Baroth, C. Rospars, A. Millard, Prediction of size effect in concrete structures using an analytical approach of the weakest link and localization method (WL2), , Mater Struct (2017) 50: 183. https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-017-1049-z

[AI20] A. Llau, L. Jason, F. Dufour, J. Baroth, Finite Element modelling of 1D inclusions in 3D domains: Application to steel components in concrete structures, Engineering Structures. (2016)., Cement and Concrete Research, accepted, 2015.

[AI19] A. Llau, L. Jason, F. Dufour, J. Baroth, Condensed SFEs for nonlinear mechanical problems, CMAME, Vol. 309, pp 434-452, 2016.

[AI18] Boudaud C., Baroth J., Daudeville L., Influence of joint strength variability in timber-frame structures: uncertainty propagation through FE models of wooden structures , Canadian Jl. Of Civil Engrg,, 43(7) 609-618, 2016.

[AI17] Zingg L., Briffaut M., Baroth J., Malécot Y., A radial strain sensor for the characterization of concrete under high confinement, Experimental Mechanics, 2015, pp. 1-9. DOI 10.1007/s11340-015-0109-y

[AI16] Zingg L., Baroth J., Briffaut M., Malécot Y., Influence of cement matrix porosity on concrete triaxial behaviour, Cement and Concrete Research, 80, 2016, pp. 52-59.

[AI15] Bourrier F., Baroth J., Lambert S., Accounting for the variability of rock detachment conditions in designing rockfall protection structures, Natural Hazards, 81(1), 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-015-2084-0

[AI14] Llau A., Jason L., Dufour F., Baroth J., Adaptive zooming method for the analysis of large structures with localized nonlinearities, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 106, pp. 73-84, 2015.. -link-

[AI13] Baroth J., Malecot Y., Boukria Z., Briffaut M., Daudeville L., Prediction of the perforation of targets impacted by deformable projectiles, International Journal of Impact Engineering 80 (2015) 36-44... -link-

[AI12] Boudaud C., Humbert J., Baroth J., Hameury S., Daudeville L., Joints and Wood Shear Walls Modelling II: Experimental tests and FE models development under seismic loading, Engrg Struct, 101, pp. 743-749, 2015. -link-

[AI11] Humbert J., Boudaud C., Baroth J., Hameury S., Daudeville L., Joints and wood shear walls modelling I: Constitutive law, experimental tests and FE model development under quasi-static loading. Engineering Structures. 65: 52-61, 2014.. -link-

[AI10]WOS Bourrier F., Lambert S., Baroth J., A reliability-based approach for the design of rockfall protection fences, Rock Mech. and Rock Engrg, 2014, DOI:10.1007/s00603-013-0540-2. -link-

[AI9] Daudon D., Baroth J., Ma Y., Perrotin P., Mommessin M., Sensitivity of a reinforced concrete protective gallery under a snow avalanche load - Transient behaviour and stochastic finite element analysis, Structural Safety, vol: 41, pp: 47-56, 2013. -link-

[AI8] Baroth J., Malecot Y., Daudeville L., About empirical models predicting the missile perforation of concrete barriers, European Jl of Env. & Civ. Engrg., vol: 16, pp: 1074-1089, 2012. -link-

[AI7] Pontiroli C., Rouquand A., Baroth J., Daudeville L., Soft projectile impacts analysis on thin reinforced concrete slabs: Tests, modelling and simulations, European Jl of Env. & Civ. Engrg, , vol: 16, pp:1058-1073, 2012. -link-

[AI6]Mbarka S., Baroth J., Ltifi M., Hassis H., Darve F., Reliability analyses of slope stability: Homogeneous slope with circular failure”, European Jl of Env. & Civ. Egrg - VOL 14/10 - 2010  - pp.1227-1257- doi:10.3166/ejece.14.1227-1257.

[AI5] Baroth J., Malécot Y., Probabilistic analysis of the inverse analysis of an excavation problem, Computers and Geotechnics, vol: 37, pp:391-398, 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2009.12.006.

[AI4] Humbert J., Baroth J., Daudeville L., Probabilistic analysis of a pull-out test, Materials & structures, vol: 43, pp: 345-355, 2010. -link-

[AI3] Baroth J., Chauvière C., Bressolette P., Fogli M., An efficient SFE method using Lagrange Polynomials: application to nonlinear mechanical problems with uncertain parameters. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg., n° 196, pp. 4419-4429, 2007. -link-

[AI2] Baroth J., Bodé L., Bressolette P., Fogli M., SFE method using Hermite Polynomials: an approach for solving nonlinear problems with uncertain parameters. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg., n° 195, pp. 6479–6501, 2006. -link-

[AI1] Taleb R., Baroth J., Bodé L., Bressolette P., Étude par éléments finis stochastiques d'assemblages de poutres bois par tiges collées. Revue Européenne de Génie Civil, n° 10, pp. 583–598, 2006. -link-